CSECC News – August

E-mail blast

It’s been a great summer, gearing up for fall campaign. Here are some things you should think about. 

Items to include in this newsletter


Gavin Newsom
Lt. Governor

“At a time when Californians are met with difficult hardships, it is essential to have the generous support from Our Promise. Each donation contributes to the betterment of those in need, and I commend each state employee who selflessly supports the many charitable organizations. Our Promise will forever be a true testament to the strength and compassion of the great state of California.”
Gavin Newsom
Lt. Governor

Post Tom Burns, retired state employee and loyal contributor
Tom Burns, third from left with fellow CSECC loaned executives

Why continue to give when you’re retired?

“In my case, I was hooked on charitable giving – having done it for 35 years at ever increasing amounts. Plus – I had chaired the Department’s CSECC campaign from 1983 until I retired in 2003.

So, unlike most state employees, I knew about the PERS option as soon as it was created.

As far as “why should I give,?” I tell people that if just feels good in these hard times to be part of the solution. Let’s me sleep good at night.”