
Find a Nonprofit

There are thousands of nonprofit organizations represented in Our Promise. Use the search box below to search by nonprofit name, zip code, keyword, service description, etc.

Tip: We find that KEY WORD searches sometimes work best.

Have you searched through the Our Promise website with no luck in finding your favorite nonprofit? You may still be able to donate to them, click here for more information.

Disclaimer from Our Promise: Names of nonprofits are submitted by participating nonprofits and are not a special endorsement of any kind from the Our Promise Campaign.

Tax ID #680301201
OP Code #18347
3524 Koa Way, Auburn, CA 95602
Tax ID #824901173
OP Code #988200
3839 Bradshaw Rd, Sacramento, CA 95827
Tax ID #200729293
OP Code #3062726
2606 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka, CA 95501
Tax ID #810548049
OP Code #3007747
218 Executive Ct, Yreka, CA 96097