
Find a Nonprofit

There are thousands of nonprofit organizations represented in Our Promise. Use the search box below to search by nonprofit name, zip code, keyword, service description, etc.

Tip: We find that KEY WORD searches sometimes work best.

Have you searched through the Our Promise website with no luck in finding your favorite nonprofit? You may still be able to donate to them, click here for more information.

Disclaimer from Our Promise: Names of nonprofits are submitted by participating nonprofits and are not a special endorsement of any kind from the Our Promise Campaign.

Tax ID #943155375
OP Code #14381
1161 Mission Street, 1st Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
Tax ID #593400922
OP Code #413
515 King St Ste 420, Alexandria, VA 22314
Tax ID #473642630
OP Code #41777
2370 Market St, Suite 103 Box 332, San Francisco, California 94114
Tax ID #453040797
OP Code #9998555
8221 Crystal Walk Circle, Elk Grove, CA 95758
Tax ID #141862549
OP Code #25724
24270 Walnut St., Ste. #203, Newhall, CA 91321