
Find a Nonprofit

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Tip: We find that KEY WORD searches sometimes work best.

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Disclaimer from Our Promise: Names of nonprofits are submitted by participating nonprofits and are not a special endorsement of any kind from the Our Promise Campaign.

Tax ID #203788598
OP Code #3344017
4100 Redwood Rd #20A #433, Oakland, CA 94619
Tax ID #453973268
OP Code #29533
401 A McClatchy Way, Sacramento, CA 95818
Tax ID #237312722
OP Code #16742
331 18th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301
Tax ID #680238404
OP Code #17547
6507 Pacific Ave, PMB 174, Stockton, CA 95207
Tax ID #953807037
OP Code #15960
992 Monterey Street, Suite C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tax ID #680241734
OP Code #3061
350 Nevada St., Auburn, CA 95603
Tax ID #611159549
OP Code #18906
325 W Main Street #300, Louisville, KY 40202
Tax ID #680029756
OP Code #16128
2901 K Street, Suite 204, Sacramento, CA 95816
Tax ID #330390376
OP Code #14155
2515 Camino del Rio South #239, San Diego, CA 92108
Tax ID #942671824
OP Code #17575
1032 11th Street, Modesto, CA 95354