
Find a Nonprofit

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Tip: We find that KEY WORD searches sometimes work best.

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Disclaimer from Our Promise: Names of nonprofits are submitted by participating nonprofits and are not a special endorsement of any kind from the Our Promise Campaign.

Tax ID #42716222
OP Code #11931
3057 Nutley St #805, Vienna, VA 22182
Tax ID #680030611
OP Code #14199
4972 Canyon Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Tax ID #330072774
OP Code #17579
2730 Historic Decatur Road, Ste 205, San Diego, CA 92106
Tax ID #680105213
OP Code #17195
1132 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, CA 94939
Tax ID #943037195
OP Code #16070
3911 Princeton Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Tax ID #237286648
OP Code #4436
8550 W Bryn Mawr Ave Ste 550, Chicago, IL 60631
Tax ID #522122976
OP Code #2742
20312 Watkins Meadow Drive, Germantown, MD 20876
Tax ID #133512123
OP Code #18932
1460 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
Tax ID #43068130
OP Code #11551
55 Chapel Street #200, Newton, MA 2458
Tax ID #813945595
OP Code #5550054
1180 S Beverly Drive, Suite 608, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Tax ID #581966822
OP Code #12067
302 Ridgefield Ct, Ashville, NC 28806
Tax ID #20659244
OP Code #24558
PO Box 850948, Braintree, MA 2185